Posts from March 30, 2019

المكتبة المركزية تحصد كتاب شكر وتقدير من العتبة العباسية المقدسة
The Central Library recites a book of thanks and appreciation from the holy Abbasid threshold

Central Library Information The Central Library won a book of thanks and appreciation by the holy Abbasid threshold, and[…]

جامعة النهرين تشارك في المؤتمر الدولي التخصصي في المعلومات والمكتبات
Nahrain University participates in the International Specialized Conference on Information and Libraries

Editing: Nour Fadel Kata The Central Library at Nahrain University participated in the First International Conference on Information and[…]

المكتبة المركزية تنظم ورشة عمل عن نظام KOHA
The Central Library organizes a workshop on the KOHA system

Nour Fadel / Library Media In accordance with the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research[…]

المكتبة المركزية تقيم ورشة عمل عن الفهرسة والتصنيف (Descriptive Cataloging)
The Central Library Holds a Workshop on Descriptive Cataloging

Nour Fadel Kata / Library Media As part of its program to develop the capabilities of the staff of[…]

The Central Library organizes a workshop on Winisis

Editing: Nour Fadel Kata The Department of Continuing Education in the Central Library Department organized a workshop on Winisis[…]

المكتبة المركزية تنظم ورشة عمل عن اعداد التقرير الشهري
The Central Library organizes a workshop on preparing the monthly report

Editing: Nour Fadel Kata The Central Library organized a workshop on the work and preparation of the monthly report[…]

المكتبة المركزية تشارك بندوة عن دور المكتبات العراقية في تحقيق اهداف التنمية المستدامة 2030
The Central Library participates in a symposium on the role of Iraqi libraries in achieving the goals of sustainable development 2030

Editing: Nour Fadel Kata In the light of the development in the world of libraries and information, the Central[…]

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